The Green Remedy Foundation
The Wooton family was out of hope with no answers in sight. Rita and Rick Wooton’s son, Eli, was robbed of the first five years of his life battling a rare form of epilepsy, causing around the clock seizures. No medication or surgery could help save little Eli’s life. With a medical file much larger than most adults, the Wooton family was told there was no cure for Eli’s condition — until they were introduced to the extraordinary healing powers of hemp.
When the Green Remedy team first met the Wooton family, they knew his story would help shape what the company is today. That’s why Green Remedy has formulated a line of hemp-extracted CBD especially for the Wooton’s — Eli’s Reserve. Green Remedy has worked closely with the Wootons to create this line and have even formulated in Eli’s favorite flavor.
Green Remedy created their foundation in 2019. Green Remedy Foundation, a component fund of the Community Foundation of Louisville, donates a percentage of proceeds from every bottle of Eli’s Reserve sold to the Eli’s Hope Foundation, Inc.
The Green Remedy Foundation supports organizations that fulfill the needs of children and their families. Through the sales of Eli’s Reserve and other special events and fundraisers the Green Remedy Foundation is making a positive impact in the lives of children and their families across Kentucky and the US.