Is CBD Oil Worth It?
Before purchasing CBD oil, it is important to consider if the benefit is worth the cost. This is true with any product however CBD oil is part of what is rapidly becoming a new multi-billion dollar industry. The recent explosion of popularity makes it difficult to find information about the true value of products containing CBD oil.
In order to determine if CBD oil is worth the cost, each individual should first consider the reasons for choosing to use CBD oil, the cost of the product they select, and how that product might offset other costs in their life. The answers to these questions can be based on very personal information. Also, people with similar resources facing similar challenges might also come to different conclusions in regard to the true worth of CBD oil.
Reasons for Taking CBD Oil
There are an increasing number of reasons why people report taking CBD oil. Many of these are described in a previous Green Remedy blog post (link to How Does CBD Oil Make Me Feel). Typically, the reasons people choose to consume a product can be broken down into one of two categories. In relation to CBD oil consumption, customers either hope to gain something or fear losing something. For example, many Green Remedy customers report hope that using CBD oil will help them gain physical or mental benefits for themselves, their family members, or their pets. Check out this recent blog post describing a recent success story from a Green Remedy customer who is using our products to help their dog fight back against cancer. (link to success story blog).
Product Price
When people are experiencing health problems that impact their lives, then the use of CBD oil can become extremely valuable. Regardless of the perceived value of CBD oil, actual financial cost also plays an important role in relation to this topic. The price of CBD oil can vary greatly depending on a number of factors. It can sometimes be confusing to understand why prices differ so much.
A recent assessment by Leafly, reviewed the price per milligram for various CBD brands. It reported that companies charge anywhere from $0.5 to $0.60 per milligram. Click here for the complete article ( One reason for the extreme difference in pricing is that it used to be difficult for the average consumer to know and understand how much CBD was present in the products they purchased. Green Remedy solves this problem by offering a free Certificate of Analysis (COA) tool on our website. Use this tool to gain peace of mind and ensure you are receiving the highest quality CBD products available in the market.
Offsetting Costs
After determining the reasons for taking CBD oil and the price of the product you are interested in, it is important to determine if or how the use of CBD oil might help save money elsewhere. For example, one reason many people report for taking CBD oil is to overcome feelings of depression and anxiety ( These emotions can lead to serious medical conditions overtime. The psychosomatic nature of such mental states can even bring about physical health problems if left untreated. However, the current treatment options available for depression and anxiety might also be very costly for individuals. Appointments to speak with therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists who are trained to help individuals through issues such as these can easily cost $100 or much more depending on the need and frequency. And, if additional treatment is needed, the cost of additional medicines and antidepressants can quickly deteriorate finances overtime.
Green Remedy’s Vice President of Business Development has spoken with many customers who report similar stories. “There are many Green Remedy customers who come to us after trying other potential solutions for their physical and mental ailments,” he said. “Sometimes, these customers describe results that allow them to reduce or even stop using other forms of treatment. This can mean they end up saving a lot of money over time.”
The V.P. of Business Development went on to describe one specific story of a man who was spending nearly $85 each month on prescription medications. The medicine was being used to combat several conditions related to his blood pressure, ADD, anxiety, and pain relief. In addition to paying for these medications, the man was also concerned about the long-term costs of these treatments on his body. For example, long-term use of some medicine combinations can affect liver and kidney function, thereby leading to even more costly issues down the road. Fortunately, the man came across Green Remedy. In his opinion, the products he found helped him as much as the medicines. Overtime, he was able to work with his doctor and pharmacist to slowly reduce the number of medications until coming completely off of them. Instead of spending up to and above $85 a month on medicine that might also lead to long-term health concerns, the man was now able to spend only $50 per month on a CBD oil that helped his body return to homeostasis (link to GR blog on homeostasis, What Does CBD Oil Do).
It is important to note that this man’s situation is unique to him and his situation. Everyone is different and similar outcomes cannot be guaranteed by Green Remedy. Green Remedy always recommends that customers discuss changes in health, medication, and treatment options with doctors and pharmacists prior to beginning a change in routine that includes CBD oil. However, when these steps are taken, examples like this one show how CBD can be worth it for people who are attempting to offset costs associated with other products and treatments.