The definition of “anxiety” is: a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety is the most common mental illness in the United States.
While there are different levels of anxiety ranging from general and social to OCD and PTSD, there are also a variety of ways people deal with this anxiety. One of these is taking CBD for anxiety. CBD has been shown to help alleviate anxiety in animals and small groups of people.
In the past decade, there has been a growing amount of studies conducted on CBD. Many of these have been on CBD and anxiety. One of the first of these studies was done in 2010 which found that CBD oil could reduce some symptoms of social anxiety. During the study, brain scans showed a change in blood flow in the regions of the brain that deal with anxiety.
More recently, a similar study was done on CBD and anxiety that concluded an even larger scale of symptoms that could be helped with CBD. CBD has been shown to help with anxiety, panic disorder, PTSD and OCD.
These studies are very much still in their infancy. Many have only been conducted on animals or small groups of humans. Although we are still in the beginning stages, there is already proof that CBD has a calming effect on people with anxiety.
There is still much research to be done on CBD and anxiety. At this time, the National Institute of Drug Abuse is very optimistic on the effects of CBD on people with any form of anxiety. Even though we are in the very infantile stages of finding evidence of CBD alleviating anxiety and many other diseases, the research that has been so far has been life changing for some.
With the calming effect CBD has on the central nervous system, we can only hope that many of the other positive effects we believe to be true about CBD are found to be real in the future of CBD research.